Mrs.Geeky | It's Chic to be Geek!
Take learning to the next level
STEM is everywhere! Celebrate STEM at home, in the classroom, where ever you are, what ever you do!
Check out below for ideas and resources.
Celebrate National STEM Day, Nov 8, with one or more of the activities below!
If you use one of the activities with your class tweet out a picture @themrsgeeky and you may win a $20.00 Amazon Gift Card.
Paper Circuits
Paper Circuits are easy, fun, and educational.
You can easily get all material at stores near you. Try a simple Paper Circuit and you will find it is just the beginning to imaginaiton and creative projects! Click here for FREE templates, directions and more.
TUFTS Center for Engineering Outreach is an amazing organization providing a plethora of FREE resources for educators. They just updated their Constructapedia, filled with activities that will integrate within your curriculum and use all or mostly household items. Click here to go to their site and downlaod your own copy of their Constructapeia. I love their motto- Playful Enginnering - Based Learning.
Paper Roller Coasters
This is just fun! Creative! And a limitless number of ways you can build your roller coaster. Create your own pieces with cardboard and construction paper. Learn more here. Scientific American has a great article that combines the lessons on the physics of roller coasters along with directions. For a small cost templates are availalble here online.
Robotic Arm Challenge
This is an activity I came across many years ago. Since then I have have used it in Professional Development workshops for and with students in the classroom. Using only low tech items, the class is divided into teams and are challenged to create a robotic arm that will pick up a styrofoam cup. Often met with comments of “impossible” and “I am not creative,” students and faculty alike surprise themselves when their team comes up with a working solution. Download a PDF of the lesson plan or click here to get an editable copy.
A Chair for Mr. Bear
Mr. Bear needs a chair! Can you help Mr. Bear? Merredith Portsmore, Director of Tufts. Center for Engineering Education Outreach came up with this clever activity many years ago and it continues to be a hit with learners of ALL ages. Fun and easy to do with household items! Click here for the lesson including handout for participants. Alternatively you can download this activity card I created. laminate, and hand out.
Duct Tape Network
With Duct Tape you can do anything! So why not get this FREE Duct Tape Network Guidebook, which provides an easy way to get started. Click here to get your own copy of the Guidebook. Duct Tape Network was a project of the MIT Media Lab Life Long Kindergarten.