CSEd Week and the Hour of Code is not meant to send the message that all learners should be proficient coders of computer programs. Rather implementing an activity, no matter the subject area, during CSEd Week provides a time to focus and let learners experience coding and programming, and allows them the opportunity to discover if this is something they may be interested in. Additionally, concepts used in coding occur organically across all curriculum. These concepts are often referred to as Computational Thinking, and include Logic, Evaluation, Algothims, Patterns, Decomposition, and Abstraction. Providing coding experiences for students provides experiences that can be applied to and enrich other subject areas.
If you are looking for resources or ideas for your classroom check out the resources below.
Celebrate Computer Science Education Week With NASA A variety of interactive coding lessons K-12 from NASA.
Great interactive website allowing students to explore a variety of Computer Science Concepts including Binary, Boolean Logic, and many math concepts. Check this site out, there is something for everyone.
Tinker Studio Robotics, Coding And App Buildibng A plethora of resrouces, ideas and lesson plans you can use for CSEd week or anytime in your classroom.
Ideas K-12.
Hour of Code on Demand Lessons On demand workshops/lessons : K-12
Nice workshops for your classroom including ScratchJr, Scratch, Art with Code and Turtle Graphics.
CSEd Week Wide range of reources inclduing ways to connect year round, research, support, and lesson ideas.
Supporting primary school teaching. (n.d.). Barefoot. Retrieved December 4, 2023, from https://www.barefootcomputing.org/